wall installation
"Master’s house the first stage
That made my body famous
Beauty caged in
Behind the lust for blue eyes and blond manes and I’m saying
It started with that slave ship that set the journey flaming"
Akua Naru, The Journey
"Blackness, then, is largely a matter of perception or made up of moments of performance in which performers understand their bodies as Black."
Michelle M. Wright, The Physics of Blackness
The installation What made my body famous is located at the intersection of poetry, performance and photography. Words from Michelle M. Wright's The Physics of Blackness are isolated from their syntactical context and appear as lists/poems/sentences/comments that generate new meanings.
2023, in: Admission, ZF-Projektraum Berlin, 48-Stunden Neukölln Art Festival
wall installation
"Master’s house the first stage
That made my body famous
Beauty caged in
Behind the lust for blue eyes and blond manes and I’m saying
It started with that slave ship that set the journey flaming"
Akua Naru, The Journey
"Blackness, then, is largely a matter of perception or made up of moments of performance in which performers understand their bodies as Black."
Michelle M. Wright, The Physics of Blackness
The installation What made my body famous is located at the intersection of poetry, performance and photography. Words from Michelle M. Wright's The Physics of Blackness are isolated from their syntactical context and appear as lists/poems/sentences/comments that generate new meanings.
2023, in: Admission, ZF-Projektraum Berlin, 48-Stunden Neukölln Art Festival